Gaston Middle School
Location: Fresno, California
Completion Date: January 2013
This project consisted of offsite City of Fresno ADA compliant concrete improvements for the construction of Gaston Middle School. American Paving Co. provided approximately 1,700 LF of machine poured curb and gutter, a 3,100 SF reinforced bus bay, 2,700 LF of city sidewalk, 7 drive approaches, 6 ADA ramps, and 86 CY of mow strip. In total APC poured 811 CY of concrete improvements.Owner:
Fresno Unified School District
The City of Fresno
(559) 621-8650
Owner Contact:
Rick Diaz
(559) 457-3070
Design Engineer:
Blair Church & Flynn
451 Clovis Avenue
Clovis, CA 93612
Engineer Contact:
Jeffrey Brians
(559) 326-1400
American Paving Co.:
Tim McLaskey, P.M.